13 October 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991013a.gif)
i forgot this little story last night: i came back to my room after dinner and noticed that the faucet was running slightly. this isn't uncommon in itself, because the off position is actually just shy of turning the handle all the way; turn it too far and the water comes back on. but when i went to shut it off, i found a foreign toothbrush on my sink.
there's something really unnerving about seeing someone else's toothbrush on yr sink. it threw me for a bit of a loop. i eventually realized that the cleaning lady (they clean our bathrooms, which is a little weird in itself) must have found it under the sink or the radiator and thought it was mine. when it's really probably been here for who knows how many occupants.
it must have been a little strange for the person for whom it disappeared too. in a way there's this oddly temporally displaced connection between then and now. the toothbrush fell into a sort of time-warp causing a little hiccup of confusion on either side.
might make an interesting short story.
about quarter after midnight last night i got a call from my mom. she just got back from spain yesterday, and had read about my financial situation online, and just wanted to check up on me like any good parent. and although i had been in bed almost an hour, i was having a hard time falling asleep anyway.
so i got my eiffel tower paper back this morning. b+. not bad, but it could have been better. for some reason, i'm kinda concerned about letting the tas grade the papers. but, we'll see how the next one ends up.
spent all afternoon and evening working on my stupid bus shelter drawings. they're coming along. i was kinda hoping to be done by tonight though. and i haven't done much work on my lycra project, so i'm hoping that the hour and a half before studio tomorrow will be enough to at least bat a few ideas around in real space.
1240. bed time.
there's something really unnerving about seeing someone else's toothbrush on yr sink. it threw me for a bit of a loop. i eventually realized that the cleaning lady (they clean our bathrooms, which is a little weird in itself) must have found it under the sink or the radiator and thought it was mine. when it's really probably been here for who knows how many occupants.
it must have been a little strange for the person for whom it disappeared too. in a way there's this oddly temporally displaced connection between then and now. the toothbrush fell into a sort of time-warp causing a little hiccup of confusion on either side.
might make an interesting short story.
about quarter after midnight last night i got a call from my mom. she just got back from spain yesterday, and had read about my financial situation online, and just wanted to check up on me like any good parent. and although i had been in bed almost an hour, i was having a hard time falling asleep anyway.
so i got my eiffel tower paper back this morning. b+. not bad, but it could have been better. for some reason, i'm kinda concerned about letting the tas grade the papers. but, we'll see how the next one ends up.
spent all afternoon and evening working on my stupid bus shelter drawings. they're coming along. i was kinda hoping to be done by tonight though. and i haven't done much work on my lycra project, so i'm hoping that the hour and a half before studio tomorrow will be enough to at least bat a few ideas around in real space.
1240. bed time.