magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


17 October 1999

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omnia quia sunt, lumina sunt.

finally found that latin phrase that i had been trying to remember forever. i had scribbled it down in one of my notebooks (or maybe just on a loose sheet/scrap of paper) but could never track it down. found it on the internet during work tonight. the impetus was that i was reading a book called origins by lebbeus woods that i found while browsing through the locked up room of nifty books that my cool job grants me access to. the book is really cool, and if anyone ever comes across a copy at a used bookstore, keep me in mind.

so anyway, i woke up (after three tries) feeling considerably better this morning. i don't suffer from the chronic bouts of depression that i did in high school. i just occasionally get overwhelmed by internal junk nowadays. and it tends to fade pretty quickly.

i believe that i was dreaming about social sorts of things. in the way that i was dreaming about architectural sorts of things a couple of nights ago. i don't remember any specifics.

my team for the concrete casting project went to home depot this morning to pick up our framework supplies. then spent the whole afternoon working on it. i left at five for dinner (my first meal of the day) and then the library.

saw jen on the way to the library. i had this feeling that i might. i was actually saying hello to her in my head when i rounded the corner and actually saw her. i tend to have this constant running internal monologue that occasionally finds a specific recipient, and that internal flow of thought happened to coincide with the real world. although i didn't say hello in rl the same way that i did in my head. odd.

the library was quiet overall, but there were three or four people who i helped in-depth with various sorts of searches. i actually really enjoy helping people out in the intellectual sorta context of the library.

there was a brief thought about returning to the studio tonight, but i'd rather get a good night's sleep and possibly have the long night tomorrow. although maybe i'll get lucky and pull off finishing my lycra project in the early afternoon.