3 November 1999
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we got our modern architecture mid-terms back today. b+. not bad, but i was a little disappointed. i'm just going to have to write better papers and do better on the final. it's a shame our papers aren't on more interesting topics though. for instance today's lecture was about chandigarh in northern india. a city that was completely planned and built according to modernist ideals after india gained its independence from britain.
after lunch i spent a couple hours wandering around town looking for those inflated rubber balls that you find in the big cages at supermarkets. without any luck. so i bought a styrofoam ball and some copper flashing and got a box full of free red cardboard tubes an inch or so in diameter. (and i got some photos back, i'll scan some of them soon.)
went back to the studio and started playing with the copper. i ended up bending a rectangle of it up into a spherical shape, but all crinkly. really pretty, but i'm not sure it's any more than that.
i sat in the met for a long time at dinner, while various people came and went. i ended up leaving with jen, she wanted someone to walk with her up to brown where she was going for some christian, campus crusades sort of thing.
i tend not to find main stream religious beliefs all that attractive. except in the rare instances were someone has really rationally thought about the reasons for and implications of their beliefs and has decided to hold on to them. i don't think that's the case with jen. but we haven't really ever discussed religion with any degree of seriousness, so who knows.
then i went to the mixed media meeting. the new issue came out today, still with nothing of mine. but i think i'm going to try to write a review of ida's you are my flower and warn's i want you to live 100 years for the next issue.
then back to the beb. i bent up another rectangle of copper flashing. i started out trying to make another sphere, but i just kept playing with it, and it turned into this double spiraling shape that was basically a factor of how i was holding it in my left hand and bending with my right.
and i tried to make a plaster base for it (still holding on to my sphere idea) by dipping my styrofoam ball in plaster. but the ball fell of the stick that i had put it on when the plaster started hardening and that was kinda a mess. and then the plaster didn't really cure.
so i took some photos of what i had made so far (crinkled up copper looks so beautiful against the green of my vinyl drafting board mat). and eventually realized i wasn't going to get any more done, so i came home for bed.
after lunch i spent a couple hours wandering around town looking for those inflated rubber balls that you find in the big cages at supermarkets. without any luck. so i bought a styrofoam ball and some copper flashing and got a box full of free red cardboard tubes an inch or so in diameter. (and i got some photos back, i'll scan some of them soon.)
went back to the studio and started playing with the copper. i ended up bending a rectangle of it up into a spherical shape, but all crinkly. really pretty, but i'm not sure it's any more than that.
i sat in the met for a long time at dinner, while various people came and went. i ended up leaving with jen, she wanted someone to walk with her up to brown where she was going for some christian, campus crusades sort of thing.
i tend not to find main stream religious beliefs all that attractive. except in the rare instances were someone has really rationally thought about the reasons for and implications of their beliefs and has decided to hold on to them. i don't think that's the case with jen. but we haven't really ever discussed religion with any degree of seriousness, so who knows.
then i went to the mixed media meeting. the new issue came out today, still with nothing of mine. but i think i'm going to try to write a review of ida's you are my flower and warn's i want you to live 100 years for the next issue.
then back to the beb. i bent up another rectangle of copper flashing. i started out trying to make another sphere, but i just kept playing with it, and it turned into this double spiraling shape that was basically a factor of how i was holding it in my left hand and bending with my right.
and i tried to make a plaster base for it (still holding on to my sphere idea) by dipping my styrofoam ball in plaster. but the ball fell of the stick that i had put it on when the plaster started hardening and that was kinda a mess. and then the plaster didn't really cure.
so i took some photos of what i had made so far (crinkled up copper looks so beautiful against the green of my vinyl drafting board mat). and eventually realized i wasn't going to get any more done, so i came home for bed.