1 December 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991201a.gif)
rabbit, rabbit. really, really cold rabbit.
glass and deconstructionism this morning. two topics i'm interested in. and actually i think the decon lecture (about tschumi's parc de la villette) was quite relevant to my design project.
went to lunch. was talked into the veggie stew (veggie stew no tomatoes, the cook says) and it turned out to be pretty good. the chickpeas that i pilfered from the salad bar were a nice addition.
then i walked up to thayer in search of a ticket for the fugazi show tomorrow night. the record store that sells tickets has a sign that says "all tickets: cash only". i only had a dollar. but i couldn't leave empty handed. my cd addiction.
but one of the things i bought was purple ivy shadows's new album. which i kinda had to buy, 'cause i missed the album release party and the opening of chris's antique store. and also ani difranco's new cd. i still haven't picked up the last one, but. i noticed later that both disc's have a track called "providence" on them. appropriate.
back to the studio. then kinko's to blow up sections of my site plan. it's really quite stunning. photocopiers are so fucking cool. of course it's still not 3d. a little more work. then dinner.
then the mixed media meeting. pretty sparsely attended. and the plan is to have a spectacular blow-out last issue of the 1900s. it will include my poem that was s'posed to be in the last issue. and my record reviews that have been sitting around. and maybe i'll try to do something else.
ran into jen on my way back to kinko's. i only mention this 'cause i felt a wave of sadness for a while afterward. it may have just been the cold and the fact that i've been walking around listening to music recently. like when i first got codeine's frigid stars and walked around nmh listening to it in the dark while thinking about allison. i'm not sure that those are parallels that i'm really meaning to draw.
more time in the studio. still no 3d model. had a good tip about making spheres though: the vacuum-forming machine in id. if i can find someone to hook me up. left a little after one when i felt that even my hope of productivity had completely slipped away.
one more thing: this is even stranger with added context. in the modern architecture lecture this morning, elizabeth was talking about how the deconstructivists want to challenge the hegemonic ways that we look at things. we are conditioned to see a connection between architecture and urban planning, architecture and sculpture. i'm, of course, thinking: architecture and fish (my erisian tendencies have definitely left me a prime candidate for adopting some decon theory). she says: what about architecture and fish? i cracked up.
and, i had completely forgotten until now that i had done today's pic last night. fish on orange. sam had an envelope full of them (just b&w, i added the orange) that he had been leaving around his school. that kid will be an artist yet.
glass and deconstructionism this morning. two topics i'm interested in. and actually i think the decon lecture (about tschumi's parc de la villette) was quite relevant to my design project.
went to lunch. was talked into the veggie stew (veggie stew no tomatoes, the cook says) and it turned out to be pretty good. the chickpeas that i pilfered from the salad bar were a nice addition.
then i walked up to thayer in search of a ticket for the fugazi show tomorrow night. the record store that sells tickets has a sign that says "all tickets: cash only". i only had a dollar. but i couldn't leave empty handed. my cd addiction.
but one of the things i bought was purple ivy shadows's new album. which i kinda had to buy, 'cause i missed the album release party and the opening of chris's antique store. and also ani difranco's new cd. i still haven't picked up the last one, but. i noticed later that both disc's have a track called "providence" on them. appropriate.
back to the studio. then kinko's to blow up sections of my site plan. it's really quite stunning. photocopiers are so fucking cool. of course it's still not 3d. a little more work. then dinner.
then the mixed media meeting. pretty sparsely attended. and the plan is to have a spectacular blow-out last issue of the 1900s. it will include my poem that was s'posed to be in the last issue. and my record reviews that have been sitting around. and maybe i'll try to do something else.
ran into jen on my way back to kinko's. i only mention this 'cause i felt a wave of sadness for a while afterward. it may have just been the cold and the fact that i've been walking around listening to music recently. like when i first got codeine's frigid stars and walked around nmh listening to it in the dark while thinking about allison. i'm not sure that those are parallels that i'm really meaning to draw.
more time in the studio. still no 3d model. had a good tip about making spheres though: the vacuum-forming machine in id. if i can find someone to hook me up. left a little after one when i felt that even my hope of productivity had completely slipped away.
one more thing: this is even stranger with added context. in the modern architecture lecture this morning, elizabeth was talking about how the deconstructivists want to challenge the hegemonic ways that we look at things. we are conditioned to see a connection between architecture and urban planning, architecture and sculpture. i'm, of course, thinking: architecture and fish (my erisian tendencies have definitely left me a prime candidate for adopting some decon theory). she says: what about architecture and fish? i cracked up.
and, i had completely forgotten until now that i had done today's pic last night. fish on orange. sam had an envelope full of them (just b&w, i added the orange) that he had been leaving around his school. that kid will be an artist yet.