6 December 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991206a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991206b.gif)
had a terrible night's sleep. tossing and turning. and feeling uncomfortable and hypersensitive. and too hot and too cold. yuck.
ten out of ten on this morning's quiz. with all the available extra credit, i think if i get a c or better on the final i'll end up with an a in materials and methods. turned in my history paper and had our last lecture for modern architecture. two for the price of one, actually: contemporary iberian architects and oma.
worked on my design project for a while before lunch. i don't think i've mentioned recently how much i hate the met. no vegan food today. the veggie dish was burritos. the pasta was stuffed shells. soup and sandwich for lunch. soup and salad for dinner. and there weren't even any olives on the salad bar.
came in search of my new shoes after lunch 'cause it was wet out. figured out that i left them at home over break. again. there's definitely something subconscious going on in regards to those shoes. even though my old ones hardly stay on my feet at all anymore.
spent part of the afternoon in the bankboston building trying to sort out my account. i asked them for their "reserve credit agreement" as it's referred to in the general account agreement, and apparently i'm bound by it even though i never received a copy. they had never heard of it. can we say illegal business practises? and from new england's largest bank. i'm shocked.
then to the dollar store in search of foam rubber balls. there were christmas decorations in their place. the woman behind the counter told me to come back in a few hours, she'd check the basement on her break. and so i went back to the studio. worked on my project some more. and then back to the dollar store. no luck. i doubt anyone bought them all. i think she just didn't look too hard.
i checked the other dollar store to no avail. i even went to the mall. that's stooping pretty low, but it's my final project after all. i hadn't been in the mall yet. it's odd. it's carpeted. like a hotel. and of course there were no foam rubber balls to be found.
stopped by the risd store on the way back. picked up some coloured pencils. and some nice paper. and all the "super tacks" that they had.
the library was very quiet again tonight. it's almost hard to work when it's that quiet. i end up finding my own distractions. like searching out peter's and jim barnes's risd yearbooks. (1993 and 1969, respectively.)
and at eleven i headed back to the studio. i began working with clear, corrugated plastic and wire mesh. since i only have one red foam rubber ball. i kinda felt earlier like my design process was starting to be very heavily affected by the materials that i had on hand from which to build my model out of. abandoning the interlocking spheres 'cause i only had one sphere for example. and that bothered me at first, but i think i've started managing to incorporate more of my own personal "five points of architecture" (after le corbusier's).
and so i was working really intently. i did have some caffeine, a little out of character, and that might have had something to do with it. but i also think that it's just in part 'cause it's the last project, and i want it to kick ass.
at 330 molly asked me if i was going home soon. i said i still wanted to get a significant amount of work done, but i'd definitely be going home at some point (no all-nighter). it's getting late, mike said. it's only 330, i said. while i was walking around in the rain earlier i was thinking about how there were times at li when i was truly able to push into a higher gear. like when we lost out t1 and i had to reconfigure everything. twice in three days, with no sleep. and about how i should be able to do that with architecture once in a while.
and i was on that path tonight. and then the power went out. not all of providence. not south main street. not our block. just the beb. and the emergency hall and exits lights didn't come on, which was very eerie. and so molly said: now are you going to leave? and i didn't want to. i wanted to stay and work in the dark. my eyes were beginning to adjust. but public safety came and kicked us out.
and so i'm still caffeinated and motivated but i can't really do any of my work at home, so i'm up typing this at 430. we'll see if i get any sleep at all tonight.
ten out of ten on this morning's quiz. with all the available extra credit, i think if i get a c or better on the final i'll end up with an a in materials and methods. turned in my history paper and had our last lecture for modern architecture. two for the price of one, actually: contemporary iberian architects and oma.
worked on my design project for a while before lunch. i don't think i've mentioned recently how much i hate the met. no vegan food today. the veggie dish was burritos. the pasta was stuffed shells. soup and sandwich for lunch. soup and salad for dinner. and there weren't even any olives on the salad bar.
came in search of my new shoes after lunch 'cause it was wet out. figured out that i left them at home over break. again. there's definitely something subconscious going on in regards to those shoes. even though my old ones hardly stay on my feet at all anymore.
spent part of the afternoon in the bankboston building trying to sort out my account. i asked them for their "reserve credit agreement" as it's referred to in the general account agreement, and apparently i'm bound by it even though i never received a copy. they had never heard of it. can we say illegal business practises? and from new england's largest bank. i'm shocked.
then to the dollar store in search of foam rubber balls. there were christmas decorations in their place. the woman behind the counter told me to come back in a few hours, she'd check the basement on her break. and so i went back to the studio. worked on my project some more. and then back to the dollar store. no luck. i doubt anyone bought them all. i think she just didn't look too hard.
i checked the other dollar store to no avail. i even went to the mall. that's stooping pretty low, but it's my final project after all. i hadn't been in the mall yet. it's odd. it's carpeted. like a hotel. and of course there were no foam rubber balls to be found.
stopped by the risd store on the way back. picked up some coloured pencils. and some nice paper. and all the "super tacks" that they had.
the library was very quiet again tonight. it's almost hard to work when it's that quiet. i end up finding my own distractions. like searching out peter's and jim barnes's risd yearbooks. (1993 and 1969, respectively.)
and at eleven i headed back to the studio. i began working with clear, corrugated plastic and wire mesh. since i only have one red foam rubber ball. i kinda felt earlier like my design process was starting to be very heavily affected by the materials that i had on hand from which to build my model out of. abandoning the interlocking spheres 'cause i only had one sphere for example. and that bothered me at first, but i think i've started managing to incorporate more of my own personal "five points of architecture" (after le corbusier's).
and so i was working really intently. i did have some caffeine, a little out of character, and that might have had something to do with it. but i also think that it's just in part 'cause it's the last project, and i want it to kick ass.
at 330 molly asked me if i was going home soon. i said i still wanted to get a significant amount of work done, but i'd definitely be going home at some point (no all-nighter). it's getting late, mike said. it's only 330, i said. while i was walking around in the rain earlier i was thinking about how there were times at li when i was truly able to push into a higher gear. like when we lost out t1 and i had to reconfigure everything. twice in three days, with no sleep. and about how i should be able to do that with architecture once in a while.
and i was on that path tonight. and then the power went out. not all of providence. not south main street. not our block. just the beb. and the emergency hall and exits lights didn't come on, which was very eerie. and so molly said: now are you going to leave? and i didn't want to. i wanted to stay and work in the dark. my eyes were beginning to adjust. but public safety came and kicked us out.
and so i'm still caffeinated and motivated but i can't really do any of my work at home, so i'm up typing this at 430. we'll see if i get any sleep at all tonight.