24 December 1999
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/19991224a.gif)
more architecture dreams. thought i was adjusting to being on vacation did you? i was taking slides of architecture projects with a girl that i had a crush on. i could tell that she was interested in me too, but i waited for her to make the first move. eventually we kissed. it was one of those kisses that all other kisses aspire to. like kissing colour. that evening i had to give a number of people rides home (i was the only one with a car, my vw) but we agreed to meet later.
there was a scene where i was running through a park with the afore-mentioned girl and her assistant or partner from her architectural firm. it seemed that he had feelings for her as well, and felt some resentment towards me.
weird store. religious observance. marbles. (that's what the notes i wrote upon waking say.)
then a bit about studying for an architectural history test. i was doing well in the course even though i tended to forget about class every week. and a zine that justin and shawn from my studio had put together. and jason from id as batman?
on the waking side of things, sam and i went to do some more shopping this afternoon. he said "does yr clock normally do that?" it had gone blank. then the dash board lights came on at half intensity. obviously i should've gotten a new battery yesterday. i figured i should turn around and come home, 'cause i'd never get my car started again once i turned it off. it died as i was trying to turn around.
we got a ride home, then took my mom's subaru back out to my van. removed the old battery. headed to sears. which was closed. ames to get some lights. then to a garage which happened to be open, and got a new battery. spent some more time in the cold, and now dark, putting the new battery in.
i let sam drive the subaru home. slowly, with me following in my van. his first actual taste of driving.
er!n had called while i was out running around. and called again while i was looking for her phone number in my email archives. (my couple of scraps of paper that make up my address book are at risd.) talking to her i think i came to the conclusion that i have absolutely no conception of how "normal" interpersonal relationships work. i see things in people that aren't things that can really be put into words and expressed. and i have a hard time getting to know the things that constitute actually "knowing" someone. and so while i feel that there are people in my life that are really close friends, and that i know these sorts of inexpressible, metaphysical things about them, i don't really know them in a conventional, interpersonal way.
or something like that.
aaron came home for break tonight. with rei, his japanese (from australia), art-student, girlfriend. odd.
there was a scene where i was running through a park with the afore-mentioned girl and her assistant or partner from her architectural firm. it seemed that he had feelings for her as well, and felt some resentment towards me.
weird store. religious observance. marbles. (that's what the notes i wrote upon waking say.)
then a bit about studying for an architectural history test. i was doing well in the course even though i tended to forget about class every week. and a zine that justin and shawn from my studio had put together. and jason from id as batman?
on the waking side of things, sam and i went to do some more shopping this afternoon. he said "does yr clock normally do that?" it had gone blank. then the dash board lights came on at half intensity. obviously i should've gotten a new battery yesterday. i figured i should turn around and come home, 'cause i'd never get my car started again once i turned it off. it died as i was trying to turn around.
we got a ride home, then took my mom's subaru back out to my van. removed the old battery. headed to sears. which was closed. ames to get some lights. then to a garage which happened to be open, and got a new battery. spent some more time in the cold, and now dark, putting the new battery in.
i let sam drive the subaru home. slowly, with me following in my van. his first actual taste of driving.
er!n had called while i was out running around. and called again while i was looking for her phone number in my email archives. (my couple of scraps of paper that make up my address book are at risd.) talking to her i think i came to the conclusion that i have absolutely no conception of how "normal" interpersonal relationships work. i see things in people that aren't things that can really be put into words and expressed. and i have a hard time getting to know the things that constitute actually "knowing" someone. and so while i feel that there are people in my life that are really close friends, and that i know these sorts of inexpressible, metaphysical things about them, i don't really know them in a conventional, interpersonal way.
or something like that.
aaron came home for break tonight. with rei, his japanese (from australia), art-student, girlfriend. odd.