magicbeans. nothing if not awkward.

bean is not actually from antarctica. his heart is covered in paisleys.

he makes tiny little pictures and sometimes writes about his life.


3 January 2000

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happy birthday george.

the pix are almost a year old, but i think they're the most recent once i have. the closeup links to a enhanced quickcam pic i did last february and finally got around to putting online.

class was interesting. it focuses very much on the performance aspect of the title. very physical. a little painful since i'm still sore from snowboarding. but i think it will be a nice change of pace from architecture.

we spent the morning doing improvisational movement sorts of things, undersea animals and whatnot. then moved into strong/weak studies. and with a partner have to prepare a piece that is a series of strong actions that we developed in class, and an installation element to it.

we had a long lunch break today (normally it will only be 15-30 minutes), and we were meeting in the library to watch a video after lunch. so i went over there a little early and took out some books by/about peter eisenman and john hejduk. i also finally got ahold of lebbeus woods's radical reconstruction this morning.

went and bought some sweatpants for class this afternoon. i don't think i've owned any since i did modern dance my senior year at nmh. dinner. then chuck and i brainstormed about our installation and rehearsed the physical part of our piece. with any luck i'll be able to get an overhead projector or two from media resources tomorrow.