4 January 2000
second day of performance and installation. interacting with people. architectural feature of the environment. more rolling around on the floor. it was fun. by lunch my legs were already in a great deal of pain though. just have to keep saying exercise is good. soon i'll be in better shape.
went looking for an overhead projector at lunch time for my strength study. i had tried to get into media resources a few times over the course of the morning with no luck. and now i got as far as their posted hours, and there was s'posed to be someone there, but there wasn't. went back at the end of lunch break and, luckily, was able to get an overhead.
our performance went okay. i don't think it was as interesting as some of the others, but i very well might just be being overly self-critical. everything i've done so far in class seems to have gone over pretty well.
for monday we have to have another study ready to perform. incorporating more elements that we've been working on in class. with either a partner or a part of the environment. and an installation aspect. installation in the context of this class seems to be simply a context in which the performance is placed. open to a good deal of interpretation.
when i went to take the overhead projector back to media resources at four, there was again no one there. i ended up falling asleep on the rather uncomfortable steps by the door for about half an hour. i was completely worn out.
sat in the met at dinner for forever with leo and various id people. didn't really have anywhere to go or anything else to do. and no class tomorrow morning, although in the afternoon i think i'm going to see if i can get into a schedule b class.
sat around for the remainder of the evening making a mix tape. that's something i haven't done in forever.