5 January 2000
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slept a bit later this morning, as we had the day off from class. but still got up before my alarm (which was set for about ten, i think). skipped breakfast. hung out for a bit.
a little before noon i picked up the two rolls of film i had left to be developed. pix two and three to the left were from photos i took over break. then lunch, for which i had to pay cash, 'cause my pita sandwich, two bagels, and juice came to more than the five something i had left in my meal account.
and after lunch i headed down to the beb (broke my resolution of staying away from it for the duration of wintersession already) to try and weasel my way into the more than full computer seminar class. but i stuck around, and as the class was explained (it won't be an instructionary class in how to use autocad, you have to teach yrself how to use the software, it will be a lot of work, etc) people started to decided that they'd rather be taking something else.
so it looks like i got into the class. and it will be a lot of work. it's basically a design studio, working on an entry for a student contest to design a cancer hospital. i played around with some of the 3d software a little bit (it's unfortunate that it's all pc stuff, so even if i could find a pirated copy i couldn't use it) and then spent some time in the library researching the site. it's adjacent to louis kahn's salk institute (pic one over there is a bit of the parking lot in plan).
also signed up for some wintersession work-study hours, only six per week, they were a bit harder to fit into my schedule. and ran into sarah, she's off to scotland on monday, and peter who was showing videos of things blowing up and falling down for his designing with disaster class.
jen was at dinner. she's on schedule b, so she just got back last night. i had been silently wondering the last couple of days (mostly as i drifted off to sleep, as a kid i used to think about mathematical permutations until i started thinking about girls) if i was really still interested. but there was something about the way she smiled when i sat down and she waved hello.
afterward she mentioned that she needed found objects for her jewelry class and i said that i had various things that i've found in the street and scanned for the web and that i was finished with. (the smashed glasses for instance.) she asked if i'd be home later and for my phone number. i said i might be in the cad lab, but later later.
i scanned the site plan for the hospital and then did head back down to the beb. the cad lab was dark. no monitor. but there was a sign on the door looking for wintersession monitors, so i sent some email to the coordinator. i have to be there anyway, so i might as well make some money to supplement my six hours in the library.
stopped by memorial hall (the building that my performance class is in) on my way back to scope out possible locations for the next study. i think the emergency exit stairwell in the back of the building would be a really cool place to perform something. i'll have to see how it looks in the light tomorrow. might not be as interesting. might be better.
came home. toyed with some scripting. caught up on some back email. jen never called.