14 January 2000
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so i got my grades today. i'd almost rather have stayed blissfully ignorant. i did terribly in studio. i guess my bad final crit really did affect my grade. everything else was between okay and good. no real surprises.
played guitar some more today. it was too cold to venture very far.
went to see more free movies tonight. the original psycho and mitt liv som hund (my life as a dog). i'd never seen psycho. it's really an incredibly well-made movie. but i think it loses something in knowing the plot beforehand.
my life as a dog is very good. highly recommended viewing. and it's swedish, what more could you ask for?
walking home was just very much too cold. certainly the coldest i've been since winter 1998. maybe longer. brrr.
so it's just past midnight friday. officially the weekend. but it feels like i've had my weekend and now it's time to get back to work. i'm really going to have to find a way to spend the second half of the week for the next four weeks or so that is creative and doesn't take place in my room. i'm not sure what yet. but something.