13 January 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000113a.gif)
it totally feels like the middle of a weekend. no class. snow. avoiding social possibilities and spending the night alone. you know. weekend stuff.
yes, it snowed today. the first real accumulation of natural snow that i've seen in nearly two years. it snowed all day. about three inches worth. from my windows it was unbelievably cool. once i made it outside it was just trudge through the slush to the met though.
and i didn't even make it outside until close to two. it's not that i slept that late. nine-thirty or something. but by the time i had showered, gotten dressed, and checked my email, i was already thinking about just putting off going out until lunch. i played guitar some.
just before lunchtime daniel messaged me with some issues. walked him through setting up all the required files and configs for a new web site. did some troubleshooting. took about two hours.
the met wasn't all that interesting anyway. two containers of the vegan stew, which i passed off as soup (and it was really just yesterday's leftover lentil soup anyway, but more expensive), with some pilfered chickpeas, to go. saw leo. seems like he's always in the met. yesterday at lunch i saw noy for the first time since break.
came back, ate lunch, played more guitar. until my fingers hurt. then tried to play even more, but just couldn't. yes i know, sometimes you have to suffer for yr art, but this wasn't quite one of those times. i do think i'm getting better though. and it's nice that i'm doing something creative with this free time that i'm not spending in the cad lab.
at dinner some people were talking about going out dancing tonight. that's not exactly my thing. i don't even have any club clothes. jen asked if i'd go, but i don't think she expected me to say yes. she looked much too tired herself. i think she prolly just ended up going home and to sleep. i'm starting to read things into the way she smiles. i'm sure that's not healthy.
also tonight was the final night of g.i. joe week. they've been playing the mini-series from the old cartoon in the auditorium. alex.h has been really into it and trying to get me to go all week. i was thinking about going tonight, but i completely spaced it. there was a movie i wanted to see that the avon too. forgot about that as well.
talked to sam about web stuff. explained hexadecimal numbers. talked about perl. it's now official, i am a perl freak. just so you know.
and it feels like a weekend. which i guess in a way it sort of is. and i think for my sanity i have to get out tomorrow. even though it's s'posed to be cold.