22 January 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000122a.gif)
i was jolted awake by a loud cracking sound that drove my dreams away. i thought that the building was finally falling apart. a few minutes later, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, i remembered a snippet of dream in which i accidentally shaved my goatee down to about a week's worth of stubble.
today's excitement: the risd store. i needed to pick up some art supplies for my performance class. i hadn't been there since the first week of wintersession. shelled out thirty bucks. ran into yuli.
before that, brunch. alex.h said there were plans in the works for karaoke tonight. that he'd call me and let me know.
my four hours in the library where characteristically uneventful.
dinner was proof that there's too much testosterone in the id department. locker room sorts of conversations don't really belong at the dinner table. after the id guys had left chris said that he felt terribly out of place.
never heard from alex.h tonight. talked again, very briefly, with alex.s online. redesigned my front page. it went through a long series of changes, eventually ending up almost exactly like the old page, but with a background colour. which changes daily, pseudo-randomly.