27 January 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000127a.gif)
two dreams that i remember from last night:
the first figured a girl that both sam and i were interested in. this was likely a few years down the road, and she was somewhere between our ages. at one point i was sitting in a tree (it must have been springtime) and she came and sat on a branch near me. we very subtly touched fingers, but that was a turning point in our relationship. i kept seeing sam's face in my mind though and feeling guilty.
in the second i was in an english class (playwriting?). there was a box of packing material and layers of cloth that was fairly small, but somehow people were getting lost in it. and then the walls sort of melted away, and it was early spring, there was still snow on the ground, and i could see a group of kids playing baseball.
while i was in the shower someone from media resources called and left a message to tell me that my scheduled appointment to use the editing room this morning would have to be pushed back. so i rescheduled for three, and i'm not sure i did much of anything else before then.
about 230 i began to feel very tired. i've been taking fairly regular afternoon naps. but i couldn't do so today, 'cause i had to edit my video. that was fun though. i'm not sure there's any artistic merit to the final video, but i picked up the technical side of editing pretty quickly.
i think i'm going to do some titles on lime, superimposed over a shot that i took of my lunch, a bowl of (bean) soup. i've never output video from my mac before, but i'm sure it's fairly straightforward.
it had been pretty warm earlier in the day (despite what all the weather forecasts had said), but when i left the editing room about five the temperature had plummeted. so i came back home and put some more layers on.
dinner was uneventful. very low turnout. house meeting that i missed, even though i was in the building. but i talked with bill, my ra, and another girl in one of the other sections of farnum about comics for a while. watched a few minutes of tv, remembered how bad it is, and the rest of the evening was about as exciting as my morning was.