26 January 2000
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last night was one of those nights where i lie in bed, somewhere between waking and sleeping, uncomfortable and in pain. eventually i was able to make myself get up and take some tylenol. then went through another sort of half-awake stage towards the morning end of things.
we spent the day videotaping performance pieces that grew out of an improv from yesterday's class. let me just put in a plug here for risd's media resource center. when they actually manage to get there during their posted hours (which unfortunately are a little on the short side) they are so useful. you can check out camcorders, vcrs, projectors, etc, etc. and they offer lots of advice.
the pieces started out as solo improvs dealing with triangles and figure-eights and creating geometries in space with yr body. we then had to, in pairs, weave our two improvs together. and for toady, add some context, practise, and videotape them.
we've been encouraged to be taping our performances all along, but this is certainly a new direction for the class. i think it's good though. we're being exposed to new resources available at risd. learning to use new tools. and documenting our work. all good things.
today's pix are video stills from the climax of our piece. i'll be starting the editing process tomorrow (christine, my partner, is going to be in nyc). once that's finished maybe i'll post a quicktime movie or two.
attempted to call george this evening. but there was no answer.
i briefly crossed paths with jen at dinner. hadn't seen her since the movie on sunday night. as she was leaving, i gave her the poem that was the context for sunday's bit of text. and actually the original, scribbled in red pen on the back of a receipt, version of the latter as well.
she asked if she had to read them there, i said no, i've got copies. so i wasn't around her to see any sort of reaction. or explain any of the back story. it occurred to me afterwards though, that if she hasn't caught on already, it must be getting pretty obvious. sort of felt like i was passing notes.