1 February 2000
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![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000201c.gif)
other than the difficulty i had getting out of bed after less than five hours of sleep, the first half of the day was really good. we watched some of the video that we shot yesterday, and then went and did some work in the museum. using figures in paintings as starting points. and as i said about the auditorium yesterday, having class in new places is fun.
things kinda went downhill from lunch. or just kinda flip-flopped actually. good to bad. with a strange bit of overlap in the met: ate lunch with susie, goose, this kid jememy, and melody, susie's roommate from last year who i kinda know from architecture. goose waved me over, as if he knew that i was being indecisive about where to sit. that was good.
after i finished eating, i started videotaping people. mainly aoi and jen, who were at the next table. jen had come in with matthew, and it hadn't really bothered me, until time had sorta gone on, and everyone else had left, and they began leaving as well. so that was bad.
came home briefly, to a call on my answering machine telling me that they're going to sick one of the scottish exchange students in my room for the next couple of weeks. which means, not only do i have to clean, but there will be some complete stranger, who i've only known for a couple of days, in my room over wintersession break while i won't be. i really don't like the whole concept.
went back to class to watch another video in the library, on futurism, and was hoping to be able to talk to yuka, but she apparently called in sick today. at least the video was somewhat interesting.
to the media resource center to cancel my editing appointment 'cause i only got one take of my phone piece yesterday. then home where i watched the video i had shot today. captured some nice stills for my little thumbnail pix, but my computer crashed and i lost them all.
brought mason & dixon with me to the library, but i'm not sure why i bother. i haven't had the focus to read anything in about a week. a little bit of writing. a lot of sitting there bored, almost falling asleep. (although i did learn how to work the circulation desk.)
dinner with chris, aoi etc, and jen, this time sans matthew. chris was talking about not wanting to go back to his room were he knew he'd fall asleep. i didn't want to go home and play stupid video games or something. so i went home and fell asleep instead. a little after eight. woke up a bit past midnight in order to brush my teeth and type this up. hopefully i'll be able to get back to sleep now.