31 January 2000
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from what i recall of it, it was a fitful night of sleep. wrestling with the blankets and all of that.
quick breakfast, then to class. to the auditorium, where we watched the videos that we had made of performances last week. or, two of them anyway. i really didn't care for mine, but everyone else seemed to like it. i guess it can be hard to distance yrself and get perspective on yr on work though.
then we did some movement work in the auditorium. which is an interesting place to to have a performance/improv class. climbing all over the seats and such. i've got some video of that that i haven't had time to watch, but maybe i'll put some stills up later this week.
lunch break. or, play with my new video camera break, rather. given all the excitement of friday night i didn't mention that, earlier in the day, i ordered a digital 8 camcorder that i'll be paying off for the next six months or so. came in the mail today.
and then back to class to film some of our older studies. today's first pic is a still from my phone study. or what little of it i got on tape. on the first take there were audio problems (the phone kept ringing after i picked it up). and my camera doesn't seem to have recorded the second.
then the library. then take out falafels for dinner. then bingo. i won a plastic space-gun tonight. the sort that shoots sparks inside when you pull the trigger. of course i had rotten luck the rest of the night. but it was fun.
stopped in to the mixed media office afterwards. basically just to see what was up. but i ended up helping stacey with some photoshop stuff for the new issue. she and susie were up all night last night working on the issue. and prolly will be tonight as well. and they were burning out on it a little. but it was nice for me to be able to help. and to just hang out.
pix two and three are from my walk home. two being the window into the stairwell in dunnel. making me look like a stalker. and three is a fire extinguisher in my stairwell. sepiatone added by the camera during playback (i don't have the hardware to do digital editing, but i've got nifty filters).