10 February 2000
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i dreamt that i got one of the new usa quarters that i hadn't yet seen. the back had a butterfly on it. i think it was for new mexico.
on my way out the door at about eleven this morning, i ran into alex.h. he offered to give me a ride up the hill, as i was headed to the bank and he was going to meet zanetta for lunch. zanetta is apparently as undecided about what she's doing for break as i am, but she did say that she was thinking about going to new mexico. odd.
after the bank, i stopped by the office of student life to buy a ticket for the cabaret and take the large poster that had been made for our performance, since i had designed it.
lunch and the period thereafter were pretty unmemorable.
went to look at another couple of apartments this evening. one of them was nice, but just too far away.
then without dinner, i headed over to the cabaret. i had thought there might be more friends of mine there, but it turned out to be only jen, yuka, and amie. i'm not sure jen said a single word to me other than hello. if that. she seemed particularly friendly after my performance tuesday night (of course that was the first i had seen of her in over a week), and then tonight she seemed particularly cold, and the whole situation felt awkward.
the cabaret was really good though. for the most part it completely took my mine off of jen. which is saying something. 'cause usually when i go out, to a movie or show or whatnot, there's still a little piece of my brain busy ignoring whatever it is i've gone to see and running it's own little broken records.
jen and yuka sped off afterwards, presumably to the studio, the final crit for their pastel class is likely tomorrow. but they didn't even take a minute to say goodnight, have a nice break, or whatever.
on my way home i crossed paths with alex.h and zanetta again. they were headed downtown to see ladysmith black mambazo, and asked if i wanted to come. and why not? i was only headed home to sit around and feel lonely.
and it was a really cool show. at one point they grabbed people from the audience to come up on stage and learn how to zulu dance. and we were sitting on the side of the stage, right next to the steps leading up to it, so we were the first people they picked. that was fun.
afterward, it occurred to me how vastly different each of the four shows i've seen at lupo's have been. (the three previous ones being: gwar, fugazi, and tmbg.) it's probably quite likely that i'm the only person to have gone to those four shows. i'd be interested in meeting anyone else who might've. alex.h would have, but he missed the tmbg show.
ate a very late dinner of falafels.