11 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000211a.gif)
i was woken up out of a dream in which i was eating salad with jen, yuka, and yuka's friend julia. i only remember little details, like tofu and balsamic vinegar. i can't really remember anything about the dream as a whole, except that i was rather unhappy to have been woken from it.
i eventually fell back asleep and had another dream, a large part of which took place while driving along a stretch of road near my home. it was a much longer stretch of road in the dream than the couple of miles it is in real life. i was home after being away for some time (at risd maybe) and things had changed. there were these luminous toruses that would appear in the sky, and then flicker, and then disappear. s'posedly this had been happening for a while, but it was the first i was seeing of it. they were pieces of a star from another dimension, or something. except that while i watched them they started to increase in frequency of appearance and duration. and when they came into contact with things, they would bounce.
also along the side of the road were some circus acrobats, being lead by ian from my performance class. the notes i scribbled upon waking mention tv, sam, and jen. but i'm not sure exactly how that figures in.
i can't remember what happened between lunch and dinner, other than checking my almost empty mailbox. oh, wait. i talked to bret on the phone. some new asshole has moved into a supervisor position where he worked, and fired him. (didn't i say there was something strange going on with all my friends?) he's going to try and get his job back, but this whole thing has made him really realize that he wants to move on with his life and he's talking about going back to school in the fall.
saw amie briefly at dinner (she was headed to this required ra retreat). and noy as i was leaving the met. talked with chris for a bit afterward. seems that almost everyone i know has left for wintersession break. providence is feeling awful empty and lonely.
although, i had the task of taking apart and attempting to fix my keyboard to keep me busy for most of the evening. i had spilled a drink on it earlier today. it seemed to keep working at the time, but later started typing random control character and such. i shook it out, and it worked for a while, but then the option key got locked down (electronically, not physically). so i took the opportunity to clean the whole thing out. however it seems like i might have permanently fired some circuits. three of the four arrow keys now longer work, along with half the numerical keypad. damn.