12 February 2000
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it's amazing how desolate risd feels during a break. there are still people around, but it's just not the same. there were only one or two tables of people at brunch. no sounds of music coming from other rooms.
at one point in the early afternoon i was pacing around my room, eating an apple, and saw three people out my window who appeared to be jen, ying, and lori walking up towards thayer. of course my eyes are terrible, but the clothes and relative sizes looked about right. and jen's red hat was a tip-off.
so she's still around, or was this afternoon anyway. i saw ying and lori again this evening, but without her.
bret drove down from greenfield later this afternoon. we went and ate indian food. then headed over to the last performance of the cabaret, to find it sold out. other than the cabaret there was nothing going on at risd. tried to find something else to do: shows, movies, whatever. nothing looked all the promising.
eventually we decided to go see galaxy quest. it was along the lines of what i was expecting. silly, cheesy, but fun. really quite fun, actually. it's probably at about the point where it will start playing in second run movie theatres. recommended if you haven't seen it.
and hanging out with bret is fun. even if a lot of today has been: well, sorry there isn't anything more interesting to do in providence. sorta adds a bit to the high school feeling of things. although it occurred to me while talking with him just how long ago high school really was. i've known bret and alex.s for well over ten years now. wow.