19 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000219a.gif)
susie and allen played prominent roles in my dreams. but that fact, and a bit of the location, a sharon of the future, built up to the point where the entire town is indoors (reminiscent of other dreams), is all i can remember now.
daniel and i were s'posed to go and pick up daikon today.
it was s'posed to stop snowing by six or seven this morning.
the bank is s'posed to be open on saturday mornings
it snowed most of the day. the roads were bad. the bank was closed. we didn't go pick up daikon.
that was the main reason that i came home for this break. daniel's new idea is to have the server shipped from stamford to providence. for me to do the upgrade / configuration there (in what free time i don't know). and then, i guess, to ship it from there to its new home in virginia. we'll see.
spent the afternoon trying to get pgp working on carrot so that i can cryptographically sign my requests to have info changed for my domains when we do make this server move. it was much more of a headache than it should have been. i have a version 2.x key. it's not compatible with the newer versions. i couldn't get 2.6.2 to compile on carrot. the only package i could find was for the international version (2.6.3) that yr not s'posed to use in the usa.
i installed it anyway. spent a good hour trying to figure out the options i needed to sign plaintext emails. (the defaults must have changed since the last version i used.) finally got that working, but then because it was the international version, i couldn't get it to verify my signature.
tried to compile 2.6.2 again. then 2.6.1. couldn't figure out why i couldn't find 2.6.3 anywhere. i found references to it, but of course not the file itself. legal issues maybe? but even then there are usually traces on the internet. eventually, with much searching and cross-referencing, i came across a package for the domestic version of 2.6.3. and it worked.
it was a silly way to spend a couple hours of my afternoon though. the other day i told graeme in an email that my sysadmin skills were a little rusty. i feel like i could've done this all in fifteen minutes back in the day. oh well. i'm an art student now.