20 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000220a.gif)
i dreamt that i had made a number of films involving spirals. they were in the spirit of charles and ray eames's short films. and there was some connection to r. crumb. i tried to keep the titles in mind, but wasn't able to.
i also dreamt, very surrealistically, about the first day or two of the coming semester:
a scene in the first day of my new studio class. there was a handout with the semester's assignments, each a short little poetic paragraph.
a scene in which i was walking to my apartment / dorm. i was walking up one of the hills near risd, but the house that i was in was an old victorian home, sitting alone on a hill, more appropriate for one of my surreal nmh dreams. i walked past ian, who was preparing a performance for an older couple, and then saw them, and they asked about my own performance work.
there were a number of scenes (repetitions, spirals) in which i entered and left the house i was in. sometimes by the back door, through a small garden-maze of low fences and flowers. sometimes through the front, where there was a big porch and doorbells for each of the rooms. one time i passed jen and yuka, who called me david, and seemed upset with me over something. if we had been in a comic, their word balloons would have been dripping icicles. they were with two other people (from nmh, perhaps). i was in a hurry to get something from my room, and they weren't there when i came back down. i spent time in my room looking for art supplies. forgetting things and going back. turning lights on and off.
something about changing clothes? a new act in the play?
back at risd. in a way, i feel as if i'm starting all over again. new semester. new classes. but also as if i'm really brand new here, and have to get to know people all over again. and find a niche.
watched tv again tonight, like the last sunday i was here. futurama, simpsons, x-files. while i wasn't paying attention (commercials, the shows in-between those three) i tried to write. i couldn't find any words though. or, i couldn't find the way to tie any words together. which is to say, i find myself wanting to write about a girl. but i don't know which one to write about.
i notice myself thinking that it's too bad that the girl downstairs from me smokes.
it's all very silly.