24 February 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000224a.gif)
dreamt i was playing tag with paint-filled squirt guns. with about a dozen people, among them friends from nmh, risd transfers, architecture majors, and mixed media staff. for part of the game we were playing on a scenic, rural hill, like something in new zealand but for the melting snow. we took a break, and people started sledding and snowboarding, and for some reason were going faster on the grassy bits.
later we resumed the game in some stairwells, with two teams. and after that game we split up into teams of three, and there was an added part of the game, in which as you were tagged you were assigned a word from a list of pairs of words agreed upon before the round.
and in another dream there was some graffiti on a bathroom wall that appeared to have been burnt into the paint with a lighter, but then i noticed that the text was scrolling. i was amazed that i hadn't noticed that before. i looked closer and there was a splotch of different paint that it was scrolling in that worked a bit like the electronic books that they're making at mit.
so it was too warm to wear my fuzzy green jacket around today. that presented problems. i've gotten used to carrying around a million things in the pockets. i did two winters ago as well, and i think the winter before that, and i adjusted as spring came, but this year i've gone farther with the amount of stuff i've filled the pockets with than i have previously.
and the repercussions were quick in coming. i didn't have my chopsticks at dinner, for example. and it started raining just as i left the studio tonight.
the evening in the studio had been kinda nice though. there was a pretty low density of people there tonight. and the stress level was low all around, since tomorrow's the first day of drawing, and hence there's no homework yet. (that's usually how thursday nights are spent.) and so i worked on the statics homework, and just hung out for a bit.
i had been having pretty significant mood swings just previous to that. early in the day i felt as if i was a little unclear about exactly what sort of emotional state i was in. leaving the studio for dinner, i was a bit hyper and almost manic, happy for no particular reason. i came home briefly and felt closed in. returned to the studio and was hit by some melancholia. put on belle and sebastian and started to feel better. then had a caffeinated soda, which i'm blaming for the chest pains i'm feeling now.
walked home in the rain. now you'll excuse me, as i have to put my laundry in the dryer.