3 March 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000303a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000303b.gif)
dreamt that my dad owned a wooden car. it was really quite neat. and then a dream about wild dogs attacking people. and a third about a young couple whose child had died.
woke up this morning to unload wood off of a truck. but the shipment had been delayed, and so i had a couple of hours off. which was nice. walked back from the studio and chatted with molly. ran into susie and talked for a bit. she's quite a bit stressed, since her roommate is, in effect, evicting her in may, and she's looking for a place to live. but she seemed, at least on the surface, to be dealing with it okay.
drawing was very relaxing. we spent the afternoon drawing the interior of a neat, dark church. i really enjoy drawing sometimes. this afternoon was one of those times.
then the evening in the studio. cutting wood for our section of the cabin. until the table saw kicked a piece of plywood back square on into my stomach. it didn't hurt so much as it just made me feel stupid for not being more careful. i was expecting to have a pretty bad bruise, but it's not even sore now, four hours later.
came home. noticed nikki was online and sent her an im. we chatted for a while, and then she called me. and it was nice to talk with her. i really do hope that she's here next year. she's the only person that i've met at risd that i've been able to really talk to. due, in large part, to her own tenacity in not letting me build huge walls.
and just past midnight i headed up to yuka, zanetta, and dave's "james bond" party. i had thought to go as a russian soldier (i'm sure there's been russian soldiers in james bond films) by picking up some army surplus olive clothes, and then cutting out some red cloth stars and sewing them on. but, it seems that everyone in the army is either fat or really small. there's no army clothes in my size. so i bought a khaki coloured t-shirt with a big black star on it (which i'd wear anyway) and a pair of khaki pants and was a generic army guy. which is maybe a better superhero name.
went with chris. we ran into garth on the way there. neither of them was dressed up. i had my video camera. so alternately, we were a film crew. and video taping the party was fun. it made up for not drinking. although when i ran out of tape, around two, i felt like it was time to leave. i usually stick around at their parties until the very end, and they were a little surprised to see me go, even if things were winding down.
jen wasn't there. which was probably a good thing. although after the party, i got a little preoccupied with what she might have been doing instead. she and matthew had apparently gone out to dinner earlier, and never made it to the party. oh well.