6 March 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000306a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000306b.gif)
i spent about six hours tonight feeling almost completely useless. we're at the stage of construction where everything's getting very specific and only so many people can really be working at the same time. and yet i couldn't leave, because i'd feel guilty if i wasn't there. so basically i just hung out and felt useless for most of the evening. and guilty anyway for not working. and guilty for not really wanting to be working. and stupid for not bringing my islamic architecture notes with me so that at least i could be doing something productive.
i did get some of the work done for my islamic architecture report done while i was working in the library this afternoon. so the day wasn't a complete wash.
and broke another string on my guitar at lunch. i'm down to two. makes song writing hard.