8 March 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000308a.gif)
after waking up very briefly in the middle of the night, i fell back asleep and woke up again, still dressed, at 645. which is when i get up on wednesday mornings when i don't have a paper to type.
typed it. figured that if i put off taking a shower until lunchtime i could still get to statics and then print the paper between classes. remembered that i hadn't done a bibliography. so i type that up. ate a leisurely breakfast. and then was off to find an open computer lab.
which of course there wasn't. by the time i had finally gotten it printed, and made my way to the beb, i had missed statics completely (the first class i've missed at risd, only the third post-umass, and one of those was because of a blizzard).
spent two hours in the beb this afternoon. finishing the pocket for the sliding door. and as far as i could be a help, our section was pretty much done.
read the rest of the new mixed media that i had started at breakfast. i garnished another special thank you on the staff page. then took a half-sleep nap. listening to brittle stars, who are really cool, and who's self titled album you should really pick up. and who i didn't get to go see play tonight (and they're from florida, so who knows when they'll be back in new england) because i don't have my car here, and i have a crit in the morning.
saw jen at dinner. didn't sit with her, but she came over to say hi after she was done. and ask why i sat with her the other night and didn't talk to her. i said "why didn't you talk to me?" she said she was having a conversation with someone else. i said there's yr answer, i'm normally a quiet person, if if yr already talking to someone else.. she said "but it's me." which is more of a reason for awkward silences, actually.
and a lot of the time it is. awkward. and i guess i'm not the only one to notice it. and when matthew came and sat down, it was even more awkward for me (although possibly less for her). i mean, he's a nice guy and all, but i kinda have to hate him. even though i don't really. but you know.
mixed media meeting. and later went over to susie's house, where she and stacey were painting (or, stacey was, susie was making a mix tape), and jen.f was working on a screenplay. and goose came by later with a painting assignment of his own. i did some drawings for my drawing for architecture class. i'm s'posed to be drawing fifteen minutes a day, which is a habit that i'd like to get into. but it's tough. writing every day is already had enough sometimes.
left about 1215. had a brief conversation with susie at the door about concerts and bands with stars in the name. seemed like a stupid thing to be talking about afterwards. the crush thing was just kinda temporary, i guess. but i would still like to get to know her better as a friend. after all, and this is truly a little strange, she referred to herself as an elf tonight.