17 March 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000317a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000317b.gif)
i dreamt about fragle-ish muppets. they were eating cake, and a woman was singing. there was a courtyard with giant worms. and some sort of big, yellow monster.
the phone rang at six, waking me up. it was nikki.
"were you sleeping?"
"umm hmm."
"i was gonna call when i got home, but it was four there, so i waited. but if yr sleeping, i'll let you go back to bed and call back later."
which is kinda too bad. i was really too asleep to argue, but i would have liked to talk. and after she hung up i only fell back half asleep with dreams of ringing phones. and she didn't call back.
i finally fell back asleep around seven. right about the time my alarm went off. i had thought that it was set for eight. and after fifteen minutes or so i reset it.
fell back asleep for half an hour. dreamt of skiing. something about a trip by airplane. and this scary bit where these metal rods were going to fall from the sky, and i was in a flat with bret, and trying to convince him to come down to the basement, but he was on the phone. and the rods fell, and pierced holes in everything they hit. but just bruised me, since they had to travel through a layer of rock first.
and when i got up it was sleeting. then snow. hail. more snow. when i went to look at two more flats with chris and garth it was sleeting again. and very slippery.
the first place was close. but there's three goth girls living there now, and they have all the windows covered and they smoke, so the place was rather dingy. it might not be that bad with different people living there, but.
the second place was by far the nicest place that we've looked at. two living rooms. a decent sized kitchen. in a very nice neighborhood, but a bit further off.
they were both cheaper than most of the other places that we've looked at.
drawing class in the arcade, a covered street sort of shopping center downtown. talked with my teacher for a bit afterward (we're switching sections and teachers as of next friday). walked back to campus with molly. napped for fifteen minutes before dinner.
and then i spent the evening in the mixed media office, working on late submissions for the next issue and hanging out. i really should have been in the studio, but.