24 March 2000
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was s'posed to go look at another flat with chris and garth this morning. but i had to attend a lecture for my drawing class, and so left notes for them saying we'd talk about it later.
the lecture was pretty cool. steve oles, who's one of the world's foremost architectural illustrators. the first half of the lecture, which i found most interesting, was his theories of shadow / reflection / materiality. most of which he developed when he was teaching here in the seventies.
saw chris and garth at lunch, and, as it turns out, the flat that they went to look at was (unbeknownst to them) the same one that we went took look at last friday morning. so they were all embarrassed about that.
by afternoon, it had turned into a beautiful day, if a bit on the sunny side, but i had drawing class and had to spend it indoors.
walked back to campus with molly, and she suggested seeing who was still around and going out for indian food. sounded good to me. it ended up being just the two of us and amie. then we hung out in a bookstore for a while (providence could use some really good bookstores...), and went to see the sixth sense at the avon.
very good for a hollywood movie. well acted, well made, it kept me totally engrossed. i had it figured out about mid way through, but got caught up in the story and forgot until the end. which certainly says something.
went and hung out at yuka's for a bit afterward. then home to bed.
i had set my aim away message to say that i was at dinner. when i got back, sometime after midnight, there was a message from nikki enquiring if i was still at dinner. i was kinda hoping to talk to someone, but she was offline by that point unfortunately.