23 March 2000
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![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000323b.gif)
so. two hours of sleep. shower. grab a bagel. and back to the beb for crit.
it wasn't as formal as last semester's juried crits. we paired up with another studio section, presented in pairs, and the two professors were the only real critics, with tas sitting in at points. eight people before lunch. eight more after. then a break, and i led off the third group.
it had all been pretty low-key up until about my crit. they came back from the afternoon break more long-winded and a bit meaner. they took my project as an opportunity to focus on how i had not related it enough to le corbusier's cabanon. their points were all valid, the conceptual ties that i had made were not readily apparent without explanation, but most of the projects up to that point (and afterwards, as well) had not even referenced the cabanon that much.
i was happy with my project though. well, for a week long project. it wasn't as abstract and conceptual as i would have liked, but good for what it was. and really, that's what matters.
our section's crit outlasted the others, running until about seven. it was an awfully long day. and directly afterwards, rather than heading home to bed as most everyone else did, i went to see a movie, titus. can't pass up shakespeare.
and i managed to stay awake. and it was really quite good. it was visually amazing. i enjoyed the hodge-podge of settings: modern day, the 1940s, elizabethan times, ancient rome. the acting was, for the most part, very good. the only real problem i had with it was the three or four nightmare / dream sequences, that just seemed jarring, cheesy, and formulaic. luckily, the rest of the movie was too good to be ruined by them.
and then, at midnight, i went back to the studio. there were a few people working on cad homework, and a few others working on islamic architecture, which is why i went back. didn't stay long though.
also, it was jen's birthday today. i didn't see her at all. i didn't get her a gift. i didn't send her a card. i didn't write any poetry or faerie tales. i had thought of doing these things. when i get responsible enough to make fancy little gifts for all of my friends' birthdays then i can also send things to friends who happen to be crushes dating someone else.