8 April 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000408a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000408b.gif)
another early saturday to work on that performance piece. only for a little under an hour. cut my foot on some broken glass (accidentally, that wasn't part of the performance), but not too badly. it was nice to get some sort of exercise other than walking up and down the hills.
it was a beautiful day out today. maybe a little sunny for my taste, but warm and super windy. and of course i was inside all day. the library until two. then the studio until seven-ish. (and some driving around looking for the place that s'posedly sells city maps of providence.) it had gotten colder and overcast by the time i left for dinner. started raining while i was eating.
stopped home to start a load of laundry and grab my jacket. there was a message on my machine from molly, asking if i'd go with her to the site after it got dark so she could take some nighttime photos. i called back and said: you probably don't want to do it now that it's pouring out, but i'll be in the studio if it stops.
and it had kinda stopped by nine or so when i headed back down to the beb. and gotten warmer again too.
i worked until eleven, then decided i'd get a good night's sleep and return relatively early tomorrow morning. crossed paths with molly on the way home, and she dragged me back to the studio and then out to the site. well, not really, but it sounds more dramatic that way.
i'm really glad that we did go actually. it gave me a lot of good ideas to think about in my own project. and the city is kinda neat at night, with little intermittent bursts of rain and lots of wind.