19 May 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000519a.gif)
i was woken up by my phone (the ringer's set much too loud). it was mary paula, wondering if i'd run a video projector for her new performance piece, the unexpected, tonight. i was thinking about going anyway, and i'd be getting in for free, so i said sure.
and so after cad, i rushed off to do that. the piece itself was pretty good. it's a number of stories tied together with dance, acting, slides, recorded monologues, video, etc. and of course i was noticing little things to appropriate and stitch into my own work.
of course this all meant that i didn't get dinner until ten o'clock. and so i was hungry, and very cold, i had thought about going back to get a heavier shirt when i left this morning, but didn't want to walk back up the stairs. i went and ate indian food again.
on the way out, i took a handful of fennel seeds, as i always do, but when i tossed a bunch in my mouth and crunched down on them, all i could taste was soap. i spit it out, and continued spitting the taste out for the rest of the walk home. i washed my mouth out with water. i brushed my teeth. i could still taste the soap. i called the restaurant more to inform them that their fennel seeds tasted like soap than to complain. but when i could still taste it half an hour later i felt as if i should have asked for my next meal to be free. i washed my mouth out with my own soap, figuring if i had to taste soap, it might as well be the hippie, all-natural stuff that i use.
it was altogether unpleasant. and as i told the waiter on the phone, not at all what i was expecting (which i didn't realize until typing it now, fit the theme of the evening pretty well).
while i was up to all this, i think that my studio section went out with andrew again, and one of the other section critics too, i believe. but i think they were going to a dance club, which is not exactly my thing. so i wasn't too concerned about missing it.
instead i went home and watched aida, which was the opera i missed on the night that i completely forgot about class. i've had it for probably two months now, but i don't think i've been at home and awake for any two hour period except when i stayed up all night writing my islamic architecture paper.