23 June 2000
dreamt i was visiting bret. but it was all kinda sci-fi. and continuing the sci-fi theme, dreamt that i was in an episode of star trek. not acting in, but actually in.
walking to work this morning i passed running in the opposite direction who, for the brief moment that i saw her, looked like allison. and it was not as if she, say, had allison's hair, or allison's cheekbones, or such, which to this day i recognize in the features of other people, but that she looked as if she could have actually been allison, a suitable number of years older and all that.
of course i immediately began doubting this. (after an initial period of trying to rationalize why allison would be in providence.) and have nearly convinced myself that my mind just made the whole thing up. certainly the sense of recognition in her eyes, i didn't see that, it's an afterthought grafted onto an experience...?
and actually, within half an hour i had forgotten the encounter completely, and kept finding my awareness in millerton, new york, while my body was fairly solidly in place behind the library reference desk, recataloguing books for storage.
s'pose i should make some more mention of my quarter centennial, having been marked forever sometime yesterday. i didn't have any real plans, i had been talking about maybe going out to dinner or something, and so chris.k and cybèle decided that i did, in fact, have to go out to eat. dave and christian came along, and we all had indian food.
got a package from my dad (who called and is also going to send me a blender), little things from some of the people at work, phone calls from both parents (my mom's card came today, no thanks to the postal service, along with a check that unfortunately is going to have to be put towards rent) and er!n, (sam called today, or tomorrow maybe), email from nikki, george (i'm not sure it had anything to do with my birthday, but i suspect so), aaron, and random well-wishers 'cause my birthday is listed on some online list somewhere.
it was a nice enough day all around.