24 June 2000
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flashes of dreams: climbing through a cooler and up a few flights of stairs to get to an atm machine, which wasn't there, but an unhelpful real-life teller was. something about overdue library books. and bugs, including transparent cockroaches, lots and lots of ladybugs, and a bumble bee the size of a large cat.
and one slightly more substantial dream: i was interested in this girl named florence. we were visiting her grandparents, who i could tell did not like me much, but i didn't know why. she left the room at one point, and after some silent stares from her grandparents and a cousin or two, i followed her into the kitchen. she was standing at the sink, maybe washing dishes, maybe staring out a window. i put my hand on her shoulder and she turned around and looked into my eyes. she kissed me. "i love you," she said. "for how long?" i asked. "forever."
aaron called this evening, just as i was on my way out, saying he was just outside of providence, and had been looking for a place to spend the night. and of course i said you could stay at my place, but i'm headed out to a concert. and he said he'd look for a motel, and give me a call in the morning, and i could show him around providence and risd.
i wasn't entirely sure if the concert in question was going to be lou barlow, or folk implosion, having seen it advertised both ways. and lou is a full half of folk implosion anyway. turned out to be lou as folk implosion, the other half, john davis, no longer performing live.
and he played most of the new folk implosion songs, on acoustic guitar, sometimes accompanied by a four track of cheesy drum machine beats and casio chords. and he also played a bunch of his sebadoh songs, old and new. and a few covers. a good show. and everyone sat on the floor, which is admittedly a little strange in a bar, but was nice.