22 July 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000722a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000722b.gif)
i dreamt that i was walking down south main street from the architecture building towards the rest of risd. there was someone handing out mangos. they didn't give me one because i already had a mango in my jacket pocket. the people who got mangos started eating them, and the people who had handed them out were filming us walking down the street. it was to be a scene for a bit hollywood movie, but it was being made by a risd professor. the movie took place in early twentieth century paris, but this worked because instead of downtown providence, across the river was a small scale eiffel tower and a very early industrial looking landscape. some kids took off their pants and started jumping around, and so the director stopped filming and told them to move on. and then started filming the scene again.
bought airplane tickets online this afternoon. it's the first time i've ever bought airplane tickets. hartford to columbus to ft. lauderdale to hartford. for sam and myself. so he doesn't get the option to flake out on this one, 'cause the tickets are bought.
i convinced chris.k to take a walk down to the gravity games, but there were lots of people, and the stands were filled up, and we couldn't really see anything, so after milling around for a bit we walked back home. we did find some sidewalk chalk on the steps of the risd mailroom though, and scribbled various things on the streets and sidewalks of downtown providence. it's amazing how hard it is to think of any thoughts that are really worth leaving in large pastel letters in public places, i was trying to come up with good anarchist slogans, but everything i came up with was pretty stale and clichéd.