24 July 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000724a.gif)
the library was packed with pre-college kids all afternoon. doing last minute work on various assignments. didn't even have a chance to get back to my monotonous artists' books reclassification project. it quieted down by about seven-thirty.
found out that james wines did not get the dean of architecture and design position. some woman who's taught in the graphic design department and written a couple of articles about the design of paper currency got the job. i'm probably selling her short. i didn't see her lecture. but i was hoping for a loud, outspoken proponent of interdisciplinariality.
cybèle had a dinner party last night. she had been talking about having one for a while, and it finally all came together. unfortunately i had to work until nine, and so chris.k and christian and i showed up just before half the other guests had to leave. we brought a bottle of wine though (how civilised normal people-ish) and it was a nice evening.