3 August 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000803a.gif)
i dreamt that there was a squirrel in our apartment. i was concerned for its wellbeing, and wanted to usher it back outside, but it was very skittish and didn't follow directions too well. eventually chris.k and i managed to work together and get it to climb out a window. i was standing across the room and was suddenly terribly worried that it would just plummet to its death, because we were much higher up than just the third floor. "it's all right, he's okay," chris said. and i went to the window and looked, and sure enough he was jumping around on the outside of the building with amazing prowess and dexterity.
and later, i was living in a different place entirely, and there was some construction going on outside. (i wonder how that could possibly have gotten into my head?) there was this really fluffy white cat that was getting in the workers' way, and so one of them put her on the porch, but she didn't stay there for long. i tried to coax her inside, but this was a hard task, since the concepts of inside and outside didn't really apply to this house. i decided to put her in one of the bedrooms, which were actually sci-fi, virtual reality looking dark planes, extending to some indefinable horizon, with some blankets and pillows in a knot towards the middle somewhere. i'm not entirely sure how one got in or out of these rooms.
i woke up to the sounds of construction (see above). big trucks, jack-hammers, men yelling unintelligible things. they've been tearing up the street in front of our building for a while now. they start really early in the morning. rain or shine.
so i ordered two different out of print recordings of irma online. one that tom phillips was involved with, and one that he was not too happy about. i'm not sure i'll listen to them before setting out to mount my own production though.
i guess i've put my theories to the test that it's safe to wave yr credit card about in cyberspace despite a lack of secure serving or general look of sketchiness of the other end. and so, i can write this off as an experiment to test my belief system rather than an outbreak of impulsive consumerism. hey, it wasn't a minidisc player/recorder. or a truck.
i saw a big scary looking beetle on the sidewalk on my way home from the library. i stopped to look, and then continued on my way. a few blocks down the street i heard the sounds of some kids behind me that had discovered it for themselves. "come look, it's a giant beetle!" one of them said. "come look, come look!" and something that sounded to me like, "i'll eat it."
cybèle came over while chris and i were having dinner, and we walked in the rain to get some desert. then went and browsed around a bookstore for a bit. on the way back we passed one of the two carries, who waved, and chris and cybèle proceeded to argue about whether or not she was the carrie, confusing each other thoroughly in the process. i didn't offer any insights, as i was enjoying the spectacle too much.
i was also privately marvelling over how many similarities (at least in appearance) there seem to be between these two girls. eventually, without clearing anything up, i admitted that i'm basically crushless again, and so it's all kind of moot.