4 August 2000
getting up was a chore. since the library closes at five on friday, i start work at eight-thirty. after coming back from our rainy, desert-seeking adventure, chris and i stayed up for a few hours talking (and at points close to arguing) about the whole curiosity versus my lack of asking questions thing. and after quite of bit of this, i realized that it just never occurs to me to ask the general conversation starting sorts of questions. (what have you been up to? what are you working on? how did you spnd yr weekend?) i guess that i figure if the answers to these sorts of questions are going to be interesting, the other person will be likely to volunteer the information without my asking. i think that, subconsciously at least, i take a very lazie fair approach to getting to know people, that for all my complaining about not having close friends, i figure that over time, through just interacting with people, i will get to know them better.
anyway. we did eventually come to some sort of resolution in our conversation, and i did eventually get to sleep, but then had to get up around seven.
the library was quiet though, since it's the last day of the sumer programs. i spent most of the day continuing with my tom phillips / irma research.
at quarter of five i thought to ask if anyone had been down to storage to pick up requested books, because there was something i wanted to get ahold of before the weekend (another tom phillips book). but no one had been. so, having not taken a break, i decided to run (literally) down to storage to pick it up myself. i've never been in the library storage before. it's in the basement of the old providence washington insurance building, which risd owns. it's a bit like a catacomb: no windows, all these towering rows of books. other than the fluorecent lights, it's pretty neat.
got back to the library, winded, to finish closing up. then home.
chris.k decided that he wanted to get drunk, his last night in providence before going home for a week. i didn't want any more than two or three beers, but wasn't going to stop him. instead of the standard issue mexican beer (if twice is enough to be called standard) we got a microbrew from holyoke ma, since we had been there last weekend, and a raspberry flavoured hard cider. the microbrew turned out to be a few months past its serve by date, but probably wouldn't even have been all that good if it was fresh. and the cider tasted more like mostly flat raspberry soda, all artificial and sickly sweet. chris drank three of each anyway though.