5 August 2000
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we haven't had a working doorbell since we moved into our place in june. i don't know if i've mentioned this. when anyone comes to visit they have to yell up at our windows and hope that we're not listening to music too loud, and that we hear them. our landlord has been promising to have an electrician come fix the doorbell (as well as some of our outlets) since the middle of june.
and so today, finally, the electrician shows up. the catch? it's at eight o'clock in the morning. on saturday. and so after about five hours of sleep (chris.k was of course in worse shape) i got up and let him in.
but, on the other hand, it was nice not to have slept the day away. i would have liked to lie in bed a while and remember my dreams though.
of course the doorbell still isn't working, the wiring for it is a mess, and i guess the electrician will be back tomorrow. hopefully not first thing in the morning again.
chris.k left for five days in georgia today. i gave him a ride to the airport this afternoon. getting into my van, i noticed what looked to me like a subway token or something on the floor, right under the steering wheel. i picked it up and looked at, and it wasn't a subway token, but a hundred year old penny. those are worth something, aren't they? and how did it end up on the floor of my van?
stopped to pick up some groceries on the way home. and then by a nice used bookstore. i only had one thing in mind to look for, but browsed for a while anyway. and in one of the last isles that i wandered into, i did actually come across the object of my quest, a humument, in an edition different from the one that i had ordered last week (it contains about fifty different pages). now if i could track down a first edition at a reasonable price.. but, a 1900 penny and a ten dollar humument in the same afternoon is not bad.
spent most of the evening reading, listening to music, playing a little guitar. called my mom to ask about cooking corn on the cob. exchanged a few emails with george, who's apparently feeling a bit down. maybe next weekend we can play some croquet.