6 August 2000
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i woke up around nine-thirty with the humumentesque phrase "the dark hair polished by that of lulu" in my head. no question as to why i was dreaming about a humument, but i can't say where this particular phrase came from.
i also remembered a small bit of a dream in which carrie.b (the carrie from the other night) came into the library, and i was trying to update her library record or something (i was meaning to ask her what she was up to, on thayer street in the rain at midnight on thursday, the whole asking questions thing, you know) but the reference desk collapsed.
had breakfast. began reading through a humument again. this time out loud. had lunch. started putting the lyrics from irma to melodies. picking notes out on my guitar. trying to match them with my voice. failing miserably most of the time, i'm sure; but it was fun. i should sing more often.
i should play actual songs on my guitar more often. although i've been playing pretty much every day, i find that i get stuck on a lot of the same rhythms, and the same chords, and chord progressions. sam plays all kinds of punk songs that he downloads the tablature for off of the internet. i think he's learning more than i am in that respect. not that i should be playing punk songs. but indiepop at least.
the electrician came back this afternoon to finish work on the doorbells. the bell itself is a big ugly box, brass, somewhat art deco-ish, but terribly out of place. and it sounds like a churchbell, you know, the eight note melody that rings before the hours are chimed. it's the sort of thing you would have in a big house, so you could hear the door from whichever room you might be in. but he told me after he had hooked them up that he figured louis, our landlord, had spent the extra money on these nicer doorbells because he thought it was the right thing to do. which sort of makes me feel bad about wanting to change it to something simpler.
had veggie sushi by myself. chris.k is in georgia, and our other regulars were up to their own things. cybèle was in massachusetts for the weekend (although she got back and telephoned about halfway through my meal). and christian called this afternoon, but was planning on trying out some new non-vegan recipe tonight.
got a brief little email from er!n tonight. no real content, but a little hello from across the aether, which is nice.