11 August 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000811a.gif)
so today was my last regularly scheduled day in the library for the summer. nothing too exciting happened.
i did get the other out of print recording of irma. brand new, still sealed even. there might be more of a temptation to listen to this one since it's on cd. we'll see.
came home. there was yet another car blocking me in. i figured i'd eat some dinner, pack up, and if it was still there i'd see if it belonged to anyone in the building, and if not i'd see about getting it towed. but it wasn't there by the time i was ready to leave.
and off on my summer vacation.
i've never had any problem getting out of providence before. (other than the time we were headed out to that wedding, but i didn't know where i was going then.) but, this evening i had all sorts of problems. first i got on 95 going the wrong direction. and had to fight a bunch of traffic to exit and turn around. then i thought i was paying attention to the signs, but ended up on 295 instead of 6.
at this point i pulled over and got out my atlas and tried to find the quickest way back to somewhere recognizable (shouldn't be too hard, rhode islands not very big). ended up on 14, which is a very nice drive through some very pretty landscape. there's this sort of bermed land-bridge across a lake (reservoir? inlet?) that's very beautiful. i would have liked to stop and take some pictures, but at this point i also wanted to just get back on my way towards home.
and then it occurred to me: the athenaeum fountain. its grip is stronger than i would have given it credit for. so that's good, it will be a challenge.