22 September 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000922a.gif)
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000922b.gif)
and so i slept rather quite a bit last night, even though i really should have gotten up early and headed down to the beb to see if the cad lab was open so that i could do some work on my computer motel modeling that i couldn't get at all week. but i really needed the sleep.
and when i did get up, instead of heading straight for the cad lab, i went out and picked out a new pair of glasses. i didn't get down to the beb until close to one.
and of course i brought with me video stills from last night's expedition to motel 6 in photoshop format, figuring that the machines in the cad lab would of course have photoshop. and of course they didn't. so i went upstairs and snuck into the interior architecture mac lab which i knew would have photoshop. but the lab wasn't really set up yet, and i couldn't get it working, and ended up getting my zip disk stuck in a machine with a broken drive. great.
headed back home to convert the stills, put them on another zip disk (looks like i'm out $10), and headed back down to the cad lab. sung ho was there at this point, but i think he seemed pretty understanding about the fact that the lab wasn't really open all week.
worked in the reading room for a few hours (i have to change my shift, it's really time that i should be in the cad lab) and then headed home for dinner. and by the time i got back the cad lab was closed and locked again.
tried to work in the studio for a bit, but after about half an hour someone came in and turned on the fluorescent lights, and that was too much for me. came home and did my homework for structure and hvac.
got to bed pretty early for a friday night.