21 September 2000
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20000921a.gif)
left the studio just before five. had to get up at eight.
emailed aaron before heading back to the beb. it's his birthday, twenty-three. wasn't i just twenty-three myself?
and our laundromat crit. our section paired up with molly's section, who were working on a very abstract project, so it was an interesting day. and the crits were all pretty short. i got the same bit of criticism that i've heard a number of times now: when you have something of a minimal project (a smaller number of elements involved) every choice you make has to be very intentional. i don't set out to design minimal projects, but i guess i have a propensity towards them.
and i managed to stay awake throughout the whole day. crashed as soon as i got home though. woke up briefly when chris.k came home. woke up again when garth came home.
had some miso soup. drove out to seekonk to the nearest motel 6. they were much more helpful than the comfort inn. they let me look at a few rooms. take some video footage.
came back and went right back to sleep.