1 December 2000
dreamt about a kellogg family reunion. sam and i arrived late and there were no more t-shirts, which was sad because they were nice t-shirts. my mom and a cousin of hers remembered a childhood jump rope routine, and tried to get to this television studio where they were filming a star search sort of show. they got there and did their routine, but by the end of it the audience had all left. it felt like the end of a sad episode of a tv sitcom. which it turned out to be in a way. we turned away from the television, and a girl who i don't think i was related to told me that i should shave my eyebrows and eyelashes off.
later, i was returning home to providence from sharon with a push cart. there were some police cars near the reservoir and i thought that they might stop me for using the push cart on the road, and so i got on a bus. the nearest stop to my house in providence (which was off in the woods somewhere) was by an old mall. a white guy who was trying to pass as a rastafarian also got off the bus.
when i got home garth had a handful of new cds. this was significant for some reason.