9 January 2001
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only one scene from my dreams remains clear:
i was walking down an alley to return home. the alley, and the rest of the world, presumably, had a post-apocalyptic feeling, and i found it rather unfamiliar. towards the end of the ally i realized that somehow i had gotten turned around and was heading further away from home. i stepped out of the alley and was looking over a desertscape, a small outpost of civilization in the distance. it was night, but the sky was phosphorescent. a bolt of lightning, the most impressive that i had ever seen, struck at the horizon, lighting up the whole world.
i was thinking about spending some time in the cad lab today to work on my motel project. but sung ho's wintersession class is schedule a, so there was a good probability of running into him there. sort of ironic that the possibility of seeing the teacher for whom i was planning on doing work kept from actually doing said work. but as i told chris.k last night, if i end up getting a decent grade from him for last semester then i am going to feel even more obligated to continue working on the project. i'll know soon enough.
and so i didn't go to the cad lab. and it was one of those days where it was overcast with a little bit of snow and you could see the sun just trying to break through the clouds and it looked cold and unpleasant outside, so although my backup plan was to go to one of the mac labs and work on some perl scripts from a computer with a decent connection, i couldn't get myself to leave the house. i did a little programming from home. listened to music.
garth came home about nine with akira kurasawa's dreams, which he was going to watch for class, and a bottle of wine. it's actually a movie that i've been planning on watching, and tangentially appropriate to my class as well. i didn't drink any wine, but i did enjoy the film. i was curious if the segments were based on actual dreams, and apparently, according to information on the internet, they were.