23 January 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010123a.gif)
more wacky dreams. this time about people who's lives were either a tv show or the property of some scientist in another dimension, and they somehow crossed over into our dimension briefly, but then when they got pulled back into their own went to try and help them escape. in recounting it, it sounds a lot like the marvel comics longshot graphic novel, but it really wasn't at all like that in the dream.
and another dream about a wolf that was chasing me (or someone else?) and then later was hit by a car and injured. and then it wasn't a wolf at all, but someone's dog. and our family dog from most of my childhood, gus, was trying to help it, going so far as getting it into a car and putting seat belts on.
in scholarship news, i spent a good part of the day attempting to get copies of my previous school transcripts from the risd registrars. and when i actually managed to get someone on the phone (no small feat) they told me that they couldn't give them to me. excuse me? have we heard of the freedom of information act? which when i went down there in person and brought up, the man i was talking to changed his demeanor and said "well that's true." but it's still but in the air as to whether or not they will give me photocopies of my old transcripts (because photocopies of the official transcripts might be taken as being official and they are not allowed to distribute official transcripts of other schools. or some such nonsense. a photocopy makes it unofficial, right?) and i was told by the director of the scholarship program that unofficial transcripts would be okay, although from her tone of voice it sounded as if she felt she had better things to be doing than talking to some stupid student.
watched a couple episodes of digimon amongst all this. it's got some of that silly japanese kids' show junk thrown in, and it's a little weird that all these white kids live in tokyo, but basically i find it pretty compelling for a cartoon. not in the slightly subversive, full of semi-sophisticated references way that the simpsons, futurama, or even animaniacs is. but in a mythological, otherworldly, escapist sort of way.
five-thirty-ish the phone rings. figure it's for garth, it's always for garth. but it's actually for me. molly's in town for a couple of days, and she's standing outside of yuka's, calling me on a cell phone. so i walked over there and we went out for japanese food. back to yuka's and watched out of sight. (i had totally forgotten the title and had to look it up on the net, but i actually enjoyed the movie. it was pretty mainstream, but there were some arty bits, from a filmmaking perspective, that pretty much worked. and it was all about love at first sight, and "what if?") then molly came over to my place and we sat around and talked for a while.
i do feel a little nervous around her. in part because of residual feelings and all that (although i still don't think it would ever work out, she's not a vegetarian, she seems to have become a fairly regular smoker, and i don't think that she as any of those sorts of feelings for me anyway). but mostly it was just about being introverted and not always being able to keep an interesting conversation going and not knowing the right questions to ask and all that. i still feel like she's one of the people at risd who could potentially be a lasting friendship, but like most people at risd i also still feel like we're only sort of peripheral friends.