30 January 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010130a.gif)
dreamt that i was some sort of detective i think. i don't know what i was investigating, but there was a woman who i came to realize was dead, but she didn't know it. her family, which i at some point became a part of, was trying to reconcile this. by the end of the dream it became clear that they were all ghosts (myself included) and there was something that needed to be put right.
maybe. it didn't seem as cliché as all that while i was dreaming it.
went out in search of soda machines with garth late this evening. he was trying to find one that wouldn't take his money for a video he is making for his wintersession class. we didn't have much luck. he didn't get much good footage, ended up with five sodas that he didn't want, and broke the dollar bill receptor on one machine.
we did see two skunks though.