31 January 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010131a.gif)
no idea what my dream notes mean: picasso / escape through walls / lode runner-bouncy balls.
spent a good part of the day writing that scholarship application essay. i was a little surprised at how short it was when i finished it and typed it up. i had been working on it for a long time but kept throwing things out so it never really added up. quantitatively. as far as substance goes i think it's a pretty good essay.
and went back out to last night's soda machines with garth. he had found a machine on campus that wouldn't take his money and done the close ups there, but wanted some long shots. i went to sketch a bot and see if i could come up with a drawing to send with me application. (an 8½x11 freehand drawing or sketch, very open ended.)
i actually ended up cutting a drawing out of a sketchbook from last spring. and staying up until about four getting all this done.