1 February 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010201a.gif)
before class this morning i checked my mail to see if the faxes of any of the three letters of recommendation that i needed for the scholarship application had arrived. the whole thing needed to be postmarked today. nothing in my box. my three hours of sleep wasn't helping matters. i stopped by the library and send some emails.
during our mid-class break i checked again. a note that one fax had arrived, but the mailroom window doesn't open until eleven, so i couldn't check to see which until after class.
after class it was still just the one fax. but there were emails about the other two. i wrote some email back. made some phone calls.
on break from work one more fax had arrived. more email. the third had been sent but they had said they didn't have it at the mailroom. went back and asked again. it had just arrived.
put it all in an envelope. walked up tot he post office. and away it went.
there was a brief feeling of resolution. it's out of my hands, no need to worry, i can relax. that lasted about two minutes, at which point the fact that i have a final paper and presentation due in about a week kicked in.