19 February 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010219a.gif)
dreamt i was talking with a group of people at a party or something. chris.k and others that i didn't know. they were all well tanned, it must have been after a vacation were people had gone to warm exotic places, and i felt a bit out of place with my paleness.
i wandered off, and found myself in a hallway in which the doors got smaller and smaller until there was one that i couldn't fit through. i tried for a while anyway, there was something drawing me down the hall. i figured that on the other side must be part of the risd museum that was off-limits except to qualified personnel. i could see people in lab coats and was afraid that they would take offense at my attempts to get in, but they didn't seem to notice.
some time later i was at another part of the museum, some sort of visitors' center. one of the people from the part was there. she must have been a new young teacher, she had a group of students with her.
months later i was at home and chris.k was getting ready to go out on a first date. "so what's her name?" i asked.
"not the melody in architecture?"
"no. she's a teacher."
there was a knock at the door and i went to open it. for some reason i didn't have my glasses on. i could just see curly blond hair, an out of focus face. but at the same time i was watching the whole scene from a different vantage point and knew that she was the teacher from the party and museum. her tan had faded. i left to catch a train.
i had some difficulty getting to the platform at the train station. there were turnstiles, but most of them lead to a twenty foot drop. somehow i found my way down but missed the train. i stood in a sculptural, molded section of the platform that started to move, not as fast as a train, but in the same direction. and eventually arrived at the next station.
then somehow i found myself having to cross a river on monkey bars. my shoes started falling off and i kicked them to someone behind me rather than let them fall in the river. and later there was a climb up through layers of a building. i was with a group of people and at each floor, which was just a small room, there were literary and theatrical exercises that we had to take part in.
this was all somehow connected to the earlier secret wing of the museum.
chris.k rented the idiots this evening. it was the second dogme film. i thought it was pretty good. he didn't like it as much as the first dogme film, the celebration. but i haven't seen that, so.