8 March 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010308a.gif)
this morning, chris.k told me that he had seen copies of both secret stars albums in the used bin at in your ear last night. (along with all kinds of other stuff "as if some indie-wuss needed cash and unloaded his whole music collection.") i couldn't pass up the chance of picking up the out of print first lp and so i headed over there before class even though it's in the completely opposite direction from the beb. of course they don't open until eleven.
went back at lunch time and was happy to find that the cd was still there. stopped by the risd store on the way back to pick up some chipboard and ran into jen.c. we talked for a bit and after extolling the greatness of the secret stars, she asked if i would make her a tape of some of their stuff.
of course i'm always willing to spread the joy of good music. ironically enough, making a mix tape for jen.c was something that sonali suggested i do way back when i had a crush on her, and which of course i never got around to at the time.