5 April 2001
![[ ]](http://mbpix.mushroom.net/20010405a.gif)
dreamt that i was in a big fancy architecture crit. there was a whole auditorium full of people watching. eriq la salle (from er) was one of the critics and was really tearing some poor kid's project apart.
anne wasn't in studio today so most of my section showed up late, if at all. certainly didn't feel like we have a crit next tuesday. i'm struggling a bit with my own project. i'm torn between more isolated workspaces and more communal workspaces. i want focus and individuality, but i don't want cubicles.
stopped by the met to see if they had a good soup to tide me over through italian. and they didn't but i saw garth at the salad bar and so decided to get some overpriced noodles and join him for dinner. it was a less than satisfying dinner.
and then my italian mid-term. the verb part went better than i was expecting it to. i got hung up on some of the more obscure family words: nephew, mother in-law, etc.